Friday, May 23, 2014

9 weeks out!

Happy Friday, all!

Time is just flying by and I have found it harder to make time to blog than I initially had hoped it would be. Please forgive me and know that I will try to do better going forward :)

I wanted to give you a few updates on food, training and fundraising.

I typically spend at least 2-3 days a week doing food prep.  Fortunately for me, my boyfriend is also a future competitor so we are able to help each other prepare food and remain accountable. Currently my diet looks like this-
                            6:00 AM-  egg whites, oats and turkey bacon
                            9:00 AM- tilapia, sweet potato and green beans
                            12:00 PM- chicken and brussell sprouts
                            3:00 PM- extra lean ground turkey and green beans
                            5:00 PM-ish chicken and green beans                          
                             8:00 PM-ish- post workout white potato
                                                    and then tilapia, brussell sprouts and brown rice
Recently I have started a carb depletion so Friday through Sunday I remove all of the carbs listed above except for the green vegetables.  (No oats, rice or potatoes)   This is not super fun, in case you were curious.
Here are some pictures of food prep and meals: 


As hard as it is to do, I wanted to post some progress pics so you can see how my body is changing. The first picture (far left) is from February.  The middle is from the first of March when I first started with my trainer. And the last one (far right) is from April 26th.  As you can see, I am leaning out, slowly but surely. 

And just for fun, a little #gunshow picture :)  I am quite proud of the way my biceps, triceps, back and shoulders are starting to pop.  Hard work really does pay off!

So a special shoutout to Bill, Robert and Stephanie for your generous donations!  You have no idea how much I appreciate the help.  I still have a long way to go in reaching my financial goal but you three have helped me make a great start!  I was able to put the deposit down on my suit and pay my trainer for the month of May with your help. Thanks so much!  

If anyone else is able to contribute, you may do so here GO FUND MAEGAN or contact me privately. 

Thank you all for your continued support and prayers!!! 


Thursday, May 1, 2014

Training for my First Bikini Competition!!

Most of you know that I have been on a journey to bettering my health through clean eating and exercise since reaching my "bottom" (or should I say top?) as a size 16 at a whopping 193 lbs in 2009-2010.   Since then I have lost approximately 40 lbs and now wear a size 8. This has been an uphill battle to tackle an ongoing sugar addiction while learning to  make healthier choices on a daily basis.  I have had good days and bad days but am committed to changing my habits to live a healthier lifestyle overall. 

2009-2010  - size 16-     193 lbs

2009-2010  - size 16-      193 lbs

2014 -    size 8-    156 lbs

In March of this year I started working with a Coach who trains competitors.  It didn't take long for him to convince me that I could be ready to compete in July.  He suggested a show in Huntsville, close to home for my first time.  This is a huge undertaking that requires fierce determination and commitment.  The food plan and exercise regimen combined are not for the lazy or apathetic. I am learning that every choice I make regarding food and workouts will affect my results. What I do in secret I will wear in public.  This will require dedication like I have never exhibited in my life but I am excited about the hurdles ahead. 

So why am I doing this you ask?   No, I am not trying to be skinny.  No, I am not anorexic.  No I do not think that what I will look like on stage in July is a realistic, maintainable size. I am doing this because I enjoy the challenge of pushing myself to do something that I have never done and never dreamed possible.  I want to see what I am capable of. That's it.. plain and simple.  I played sports most of my life and have always been competitive. I love the way it feels to be good at something. An added bonus to this decision is that I have been introduced to some of the most amazing and inspirational people ever.  I am truly in awe of these athletes and consider myself honored to be training beside them. 

As of today, I am 12 weeks and 1 day away from contest time.  I will be posting my progress weekly on my blog.  It was suggested to me to start a GOFUNDME page to help offset the cost of this competition.  I didn't realize how expensive it could be but everything is quickly adding up to much more than I can afford.  I will post a list of the financial requirements soon.   If you or someone you know would be willing to help sponsor me in this endeavor it would be GREATLY appreciated!!  You can make a donation on my GOFUNDME site or if you prefer to you can use paypal or send a check directly to me.   GOFUNDME  

I am happy to advertise your company or institution on my blog, Facebook and/or clothing. 
Any small amount is still a huge help! Thanks in advance. 

Slow and steady wins the race! 

To learn more about NPC Bikini Competitions you can visit the site here NPC ONLINE .

Thank you to all of my friends and family who have always supported my dreams!! Your continued prayers and love are much appreciated!



Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Birthday Cake, Clean Food and More Training!

Last weekend was quite a challenge for me. It was my birthday weekend as well as my baby nephew's 1st birthday party.  It was a non-stop celebration from Friday to Monday. I made sure to get in my workouts where I could in an attempt to counter the effects of the bad food I was ingesting, but needless to say the damage was done. 

John David's 1st Birthday!
Edgar's Bakery's Famous Strawberry Cake!

Fortunately I can honestly say that I only had one piece of my birthday cake and left the rest with my parents. Go Maegan! That's a definite first! 

So on to the "clean eating" part.  Here are some of my meals in the last two weeks. 

Carrot Cake Protein Muffins (Jamie Eason and Natalie Hodson's recipe)

Spinach Salad with pears, strawberries and walnuts

Spinach, edamame, broccoli and turkey burger salad

Scrambled Egg Whites, Turkey Bacon and Ezekial Raisin Toast
Egg White and Broccoli Muffins (Before Baking)

Egg White and Broccoli Muffins with hot sauce

Clean Pizza-  spinach, tomato sauce, artichoke, sun dried tomato,  part skim low fat mozzarella and chicken

Scrambled Egg Whites (with one whole egg), turkey bacon, Ezekial Toast and an Orange

Turkey Burgers on the George Forman Grill! 

Turkey Burger with broccoli slaw (gives it a nice crunch) and spicy mustard on an Arnold Sandwich Thin

My NEW FAVORITE!! Chobani Bite Coffee Yogurt with Dark Chocolate Chips!! Only 100 calories! I stick mine in the freezer and eat it like frozen yogurt! Nips that sweet tooth in the bud!
This is just one small example of the temptation that I have to conquer weekly at my office.  There are almost always "goodies' of some sort in the kitchen at work. Most days I am able to refrain from eating them, but some days I cave in to my inner sugar addict and divulge in some sort of sugar-filled sweet. This often leaves me unsatisfied and remorseful. Fortunately today was NOT one of those days. I was able to pass by the Krispy Kremes and eat a jucy orange instead.
Maegan- 1, Donuts- 0

Now that we have covered how I've been eating, let's talk about how I've been training. I am in the middle of Week 7 of James Wilson's 12 Week Program.

I love this program because I am always sore which lets me know that I have been working hard!! My body feels tighter and my pants are looser! 
We are on the right track!

On top of James Wilson's Program, a friend of mine asked me to start training for a Half Marathon with her. I  immediately said YES! because I have always wanted to do a half. I have a personal dream of one day finishing a half marathon. Hopefully that dream will become a reality this coming fall.
I should admit that I am both scared to death and excited.  One of the reasons for my fear is that I suffer with chronic shin splints. Fortunately I have lost some weight and purchased different shoes which has significantly helped.  I plan to log my miles here on my blog so I will keep you posted with my progress along the way.

Miles this week:
Saturday I ran 3.1 miles
Tuesday I ran 3 miles
I am scheduled to run 3 miles on Thursday, 3 miles on Friday and then 4 miles on Sunday.
Wish me luck!

A little inspiration for the week! 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

WOW...I really have changed my body!

This morning I was searching through old Facebook photos to compare the progress I've made since 2009. WHOA, what a shock it was to find these photos and see the difference in my body today. It just furthers my belief that if I continue down this road to clean eating and exercise, I can achieve the fitness goals that I have set for myself in the not so distant future!

This is me almost 4 years later!

If I can do it...SO CAN YOU! 

Now on to FOOD :) 
I have a new favorite treat to share with you! It's Fro-Yo!

I put my Yoplait Greek 100 in the freezer and voila- Frozen Yogurt! I love the key lime flavor. I can't wait to try other flavors! Like frozen chocolate yogurt! YUM! I am a bonafide sweets/sugar addict. I must have something sweet. It's helpful for me when I can find ways to feed my sweet tooth in a healthier way! 

One more recipe to share with you today
Chicken Quesadillas!
Recipe: Flat Out Flat Wrap, shredded chicken, broccoli (slightly steamed), lowfat skim mozzarella. Bake until crispy and cheese is melted. Open the quesadilla and add salsa and Fage 0% plain greek yogurt. Delicious! This is now one of my boyfriend, Neil's, favorite meals!

Happy Eating!! 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

My Inspiration

Happy Tuesday!

I wanted to share with you some of my favorite websites/blogs of inspirational athletes/foodies/fitness freaks. These people motivate me to be a better me. If they can do it, SO CAN I !

Little b
Natalie Hodson
Jamie Eason 
Muscle and Fitness HERS

James Wilson-I am currently in week 4 of his 12 week program!

I will continue to add to this list!

Monday, March 4, 2013

1st Post

At the request of friends, as well as some of my own internal motivation, I have decided to start blogging my recipes and fitness thoughts/tips. I have been on a path towards weight loss since reaching a disappointing peak in 2009. Slowly, and I mean SLOWLY, I have lost 37.5 pounds since then. I intend to lose another 20 pounds and hopefully gain more muscle over the next year. I have a secret personal goal of becoming one of the Body Transformations featured on Here's to progress and reaching your goals!

I should mention that I have done every crash diet and quick fix weight loss scheme imaginable. (including South Beach, Atkins, HCG, Paleo, you name it...) I am now trying to be GOOD to my body and not deprive it with these fad diets. I joined Weight Watchers in January and find that keeping track of my food intake is very helpful. I have succeeded in losing weight this way and it is teaching me how to be accountable. I just completed 6 months of Crossfit (which I loved). I am now onto James Wilson's 12 Week Program.

Below is a preview of some of the meals I ate last week. Most of them are VERY simple. I will continue to add pictures and recipes as I go.

Paleo Protein Pancakes & Turkey Bacon
·         1 cup egg whites
·         3/4 cup pumpkin
·         1/2 cup almond flour
·         1 scoop vanilla protein
·         2 tbsp organic honey (or splenda/stevia)- OPTIONAL
·         1/4 tsp nutmeg
·         1/2 tsp cinnamon
·         1/2 tsp pumpkin pie spice
·         1/4 tsp baking soda
·         1/4 tsp salt
·         stir in/dissolve the pumpkin into the egg whites & add the honey
·         mix dry ingredients separately & add to the wet ingredients
·         heat pan or griddle on medium low heat (4 out of 10) and coat with organic coconut oil or coconut oil spray
·         using a 1/4 cup measure, pour batter onto your cooking surface
·         once it bubbles up, use a spatula to flip it over & cook for an additional 30 seconds to 1 min on the other side

Spring Mix Salad
Spring Mix, Raw Broccoli, Extra Lean Ground Turkey
Dressing: Olive oil, lemon, spicy/dijon mustard, garlic powder, S&P, rice wine vinegar
Egg whites, Low-fat Skim Mozzarella, Salsa and Ezekial Toast
Crazy Broccoli Concoction 
(I got this from a female bodybuilder's FB Page)
Fage 0% Greek plain yogurt, raw broccoli, shredded chicken and fresh salsa.
Clean Pizza:
Flat Out Light Flatbread, spinach, artichokes, mushrooms, sun-dried tomatoes,  extra lean ground turkey, and  a little light skim mozzarella. 
Protein Wrap:
Arnold wrap, spinach, Fage 0% plain greek yogurt, fresh salsa, extra lean ground turkey and spinach. 
Fish Tacos:
Tilapia cooked in extra virgin olive oil and lemon, flatout light flat wrap, spinach, turkey bacon, salsa , and Fage 0% plain greek yogurt. 
Spring Mix Cutie Salad:
Spring Mix, artichokes, walnuts, shredded chicken breast, and clementines (Cuties).
Dressing: Olive oil, lemon, spicy/dijon mustard, garlic powder, S&P, rice wine vinegar